Gary and Sue

Gary and Sue

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Great thanks!

Ron and Gayle Nay, and Jay Rasmussen, installed our hardwood flooring in my office that we have had setting in our garage for over 3 years.  The room is so beautiful. Thanks guys.
We new we had great people in our lives, but, we are truly amazed at the support and love from everyone.
Thanks to my dear friend Kim who always answers her phone and lets me cry on her shoulder and reminds me God is in control. Pastor Dale, thanks for praying with Gary. His prayers brought Gary to a closer relationship with God and has given him even more strength to fight.
Kris, thanks for getting my broken fridge and dishwasher taken away.
I am sure there are many more wonderful people I am neglecting mentioning.  We are so thankful, grateful, and truly blessed.
Todd Cluff and his brother Curtis have been a great help at the shop. It is comforting knowing you are keeping things current and lending your hands.
Justin Travis and Ajay Rasmussen, we can never thank you enough for taking charge of our shop. We will be forever in your debt. It relieves us of stress knowing you are watching out for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am a friend of Zach's. I don't know if you have ever heard of Dr. Max Gerson, but I think you may be interested in what he had discovered in diet affecting illness in the body. The diet that he came up with has cured everything from rashes to cancer, so I thought I would send you the link to his website:
    and also let you know that there is a great documentary on it (instant stream on Netflix) called The Beautiful Truth. Hope that helps, and I will be praying for you both!

    Sarah Martin
