Gary and Sue

Gary and Sue

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hello to all.

God has blessed us with yet another rainy day. The moisture is wonderful and much needed. I, however, do yearn for sunshine and warmth. I am feeling extremely sad and overwhelmed. I struggle with the demands of everyday. I have so many blessings that I feel guilty for feeling down. I strive everyday to put the day into God's hands. I know he is with me, I just am greedy and selfish and want things fixed and taken care of in my time. This, I believe, is one of the big lessons God is wanting me to learn. Patience. If I truly trust in Him, everyday, things will work out.  I actually just received a phone call from Gary, informing me about something I had been worrying about for weeks. It appears as tho God indeed did answer my prayer. I am amazed in the Glory of God and ashamed in myself.  I ask that you all will continue to pray for us. The prayers are much needed and appreciated.

We went to our first Tai Chi class last night. Quite enjoyable and very low impact. My legs were a little sore, but I did feel less stressed. Arthur, the instructor is very kind.  We are going to go on Monday as well as Wednesday.  Gary was able to make it the whole class and he too was feeling very positive about it.

I must go now. I am going out with a client.  I wish everyone a wonderful rest of the week and a fantastic weekend!!

Love and Blessings,
Sue and Gary

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