Gary and Sue

Gary and Sue

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Sunday to all!  What a glorius day the Lord has made! It is warmer outside than it is inside the house.

I have slowly started cleaning and  purging the house. It is an overwhelming task, but much needed. We have lived here since August 1983. That might give everyone a somewhat visual idea of what I am tackling, not to mention I am a packrat.  I have fabric and craft items that I have been saving for when I have time to work on. Quite comical actually. First, I spent my life caring for my husband and children, then add self employment, plus helping Gary with his shop. Life is an adventure. I actually found the floor of my closet and was able to vacuum it.  I also found part of the garage floor. Amazing.

Gary has steadily improved since arriving home from Wisconsin. He is eating so much these days. Definately a far cry from his food intake before Malaysia. My heart is just singing praises to God for the miracle he gave Gary. Gary wakes up and eats some granola, then I make our smoothies. He is ready for lunch about 2 hours later. There are days where he has a snack in between as well. He has been eating a great dinner as well, even after pounding snacks, mostly cashews and peanuts, all day.

Gary went skiing today with Ajay, Jessica, Jake, Ron and Gayle.  He was able to make six runs. Wow!! He informed me when he came home, that he sat down on the sixth run and had a hard time getting back up.  I had asked him, before he left this morning, not to push himself too hard. I encouraged him to keep moving forward and not go backwards. He agreed. When he was telling me how hard it was to get up, he said he had not realized how tired he had gotten. He was not meaning to get so tired. I guess it was refreshing for him to be able to embrace once again something he loves doing. They stopped at Highland Hollow, one of Gary's favorite places to eat, and enjoyed a great lunch.  He now lays snoring in the bedroom. My heart is filled with joy! God is great and if we just trust Him, things seemed to work out so much more wonderfully.

Gary feels like he will be able to go to the shop for one or two days for a couple of hours to learn how to enter paper work. We hope to start this week. His mental abilities are much clearer these days. I believe the radiation is working its way out of Gary's system. Once he is able to learn how to enter paperwork, I can devote more time to my profession. I must say, the market is quite crazy in Boise.  There is very limited inventory of houses, not to mention that houses are going for higher than listing prices. This is good for sellers, a little frustrating for buyers.

We still  have not taken Gary back to the oncologist or radiologist. We feel he is still not mentally strong enough to counter their skeptism of his healing. We want everyone to know we believe his cancer is gone. We do not need a doctor to tell us that it is. God has already done this!

I have had some people interested in the smoothie recipe that Gary and I drink every morning. Actually, my body is starting to crave it for lunch as well. I would be much healthier if I would cut out the junk I eat for lunch and drink a smoothie instead.  The recipe is as follows:

4-6 strawberries                      1 banana
8oz rice milk                            2 egg whites
1tbl honey                                1 tbl flax seed oil
1 tbl raw cocoa powder           1 tbl maca powder
1 scoop raw organic powder    1 apple

Blend all ingredients and enjoy.  It takes a few days to get used to the taste. Your body will start craving this drink. It gives us nutrients that we don't get in the foods we consume these days.

The cocoa powder is from Navitas and it is called Navitas Natural Organic Cacao Seed Powder. I believe it will come from Amazon. I have not had to order any more yet. Dan sent the one I am using now. I looked it up and it will go from $6.49- $9.07.  The Raw Organic powder comes from It is Garden of Life perfect food: Raw Organic Green Superfood, 240g. It is about $28.81 before shipping. The canister has a green and white label.  The Maca Powder comes from Navitas Naturals Maca Powder. It comes in 16 oz pouches. It goes for about $18.62.  I have ordered more, but have not received as of yet.  I wrote a number down, not sure I recall what it is, but perhaps it is the product number: 104-2950986-206103.

I encourage everyone to try this recipe. I have problems with a queasy stomach and it seems to help. Enjoy!!!

Here is one of the things Sifu encouraged us to practice doing: He said to breathe through your feet. Sounds crazy, I know, but it actually works. Definately takes practice, but I have felt the air blowing out of my foot.  First, think about your foot grounding into the earth, like the root of a tree. Then feel the air traveling from the bottom of your foot, up your leg into your stomach, up through your back, into your neck, into your head, where you hold for a few seconds. Then let it travel down your chest into your stomach. Hold a few more seconds and then push out with a hmmpf(sp??). After practicing for a few times, I do believe you will start feeling air rushing out the bottom of your foot.  The reason why it is good to do this, is because it will teach you to de-stress and help you meditate. It will help one become grounded with nature.
We also are going to start Tai Chi this Wednesday. We will be going to Fit for Adventure, on the corner of Cloverdale and Amity in Boise. The time will be 6:30 p.m. Gary is slightly nervous. He thinks he will only be able make it for 15 minutes of the 30 minute class. I will be lucky to make it 5 minutes. I might have already shared that, but, it is a true statement. We invite everyone to join in and share this experience. The instructors name is Arthur and he informed me the cost is $2.50 per person each class. We will meet once a week. However, Arthur does do classes Tuesday and Thursdays for those who are beyond the beginner stage.

I wish everyone a wonderful week! Spread your smile and love and compassion to all who cross your path.

Love and Blessings, Sue and Gary

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