Greetings to all. Happy birthday to my Dad. He turns 82 today. WooHoo!!!!!
I hope all reading this have had a wonderful start to their week. Gary has not been feeling so swell the last few days. He has had headaches as well as being stomach ill. We haven't been diligent on keeping his stomach with food with all the appointments we have been attending. Time slips by and before we know it, he is ill. I believe part of the issue is pain pills on empty, or fairly close to empty, stomach. Some days he just doesn't feel like eating much. I am working on encouraging him to power through the nausea and eat. I do understand how hard it is.
I need to correct some information I shared. We do not know what the cancer marker is. I am not exactly sure what happened, but I have an idea, which I shall keep to myself, as it is rather negative. Anyway, when we went to Gary's Radiaology appointment, they gave us some paper work from the Mayo clinic. I was unable to find any reference to them stating what the marker was, however, the radiologist told us the marker was EFGR. That is what we walked away believing. However, the Mayo Clinic contacted us last Wednesday. They started off by stating that they did not want us to think they had forgotten us, but they were stll waiting for the lab results to come back. I immediately told them I was confused due to what we had been told at Gary's radiology appointment at MSTI. She, Erin Deering, the Nurse practioner from Mayo, was then also confused as to how MSTI would have the results of the biopsy. We talked a little while longer, with Erin telling me it could be an additional week or so before we heard anything. I then proceeded to call the Radiologist to figure out what was going on. I was able to only talk with Deb, her nurse/assistant. Deb looked at her notes from Gary's appointment and proceeded to inform me that, we, Gary and I, told her what the marker was. I was flabbergasted to say the least. I am so frustrated. I feel like they just want to throw chemo at Gary, regardless of what type might be most beneficial for him and his cancer type. I am struggling with quite a large amount of negativity and dissatisfaction. I am desperately slapping at the chip on my shoulders to dislodge the darkness. Very difficult I might add.
We did receive some good news today. I had my 6 month mammogram and my cancer is still in remission. Praise God. It is His Grace that saved me and it will be His Grace that will save Gary. We must hold on to this above all other things.
Gary goes to see Jim tomorrow for another fabulous massage treatment. We look forward to it. Then home to relax and rest.
I have something crazy to share concerning my daughters school. The staff restrooms have been backed up and there has been only one restroom for the entire school staff to use, unless, they chose to use the students restrooms. However, today at around 3:00 p.m., all toilets, students and staffs, were backed up and rumor has it there was standing wet sewage outside around the portable classrooms. OOH, EEK!! How is that sanitary? This does not seem like it is conducive to good learning, let alone a very healthy environment. I am not sure what the plan is, but I sure do not like the thoughts that my daughter is unable to relieve herself during the day, not that she has much time to do so on normal days. Sorry, just had to vent.
I wish everyone a peaceful evening and a wonderful rest of the week. Love and Blessings, Sue
We continue to pray for you, Gary, as well as your family. Sue - what wonderful news for you with your mammogram! Sometimes we have to trust in more people than we care to for our medical treatments, but I believe that we are truly blessed with not only Western medicine, but the many options we have to choose to use in conjunction or alone to heal our bodies. It can be very confusing, to say the least.