Gary and Sue

Gary and Sue

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

Hello all,

The benefit was fantastic. We are so humbled by all the generosity shown to our family. We are amazed that so many people attended to offer support, prayers, love and laughter.  We would like to express a heartfelt "Thank You".  One of my wishes would be that we had more time to visit with everyone. It was difficult to get around to all those who graciously attended. If I missed telling anyone at least "Hello" and "Thank You", I beg forgiveness.  God performed a small miracle that night. He brought us all together in love. The positive energy was outstanding. Gary was quite wiped out by the time we left. He did enjoy seeing everyone.  He has had some neck pain from turning to acknowledge his loved ones.  He also has been experiencing great pain in his calf. We are believing this is mostly from his ski adventure.

Well, we off for Malaysia. We leave tomorrow, Febuary 22, in the evening.  We will land in LA and have an approximate layover of 3 hours. We then will board a red eye flight at 12:05 LA time, 1:05 Boise time.  We will fly to Hong Kong, which is approximately a 17 hour flight. We then have a short layover before boarding the last plane and ending up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We will land there at 12:35p.m. their time. I believe they are 16 hours ahead of our time. We will essentially lose Thursday as the date for landing is February 24. Crazy time travel. We will be celebrating our 29th anniversary in Kuala Lumpur. I would have never imagined this a year ago. Dan, the gentleman who has brought us into relationship with the monk, left on Monday night.  He informed me last night on the phone, that in 3 days Gary would be running around the hotel. I told him I was going to hold him to that statement. I am struggling with negative, scared emotions. It is the unknown that scares me. I work at pushing these emotions away as they are not from God, but from darkness. I ask for prayers for strength for myself as well as for Gary. It is such a long journey in a small space. I have been scrambling around the last couple of days striving to get all my work somewhat organized. I do not feel as if I have accomplished a whole lot. My stress is threatening to overwhelm me. My inlaws did get their offer accepted on the home they found. This is a positive. I do have to have an associate help me with some things while I am gone. I am discontented with this. It messes with my control issues. I guess God is wanting me to let go. Very difficult. My associate is also helping me with another client who I have been actively working with searching for a home. I know she will take good care of them while I am gone.  I did not get everything done at the shop that I was hoping to do before leaving. There does not seem to be enough hours in the day and I seem to tire easily. I know Ajay, Justin and Todd will do great, once again, a control issue. We are wondering if Justin's wife, Rebecca, will go into labor while we are gone. She is do soon. She sure looked beautiful at the benefit. We have a friend who teaches at an automotive educational center who has volunteered to send a mechanic to our shop to help if Becky does go into labor. Justin needs to be with her and his family.

I am going to say good night. Gary has an 8:00 a.m. appointment with Jim in Eagle tomorrow. We will be leaving our house by no later than 7:30 a.m. to get there on time. Perhaps, we will be tired enough to sleep on the airplane. I hope Gary will be able to. Who knows, maybe I will get a small amount of rest as well. I am going to take my computer and attempt to update Gary's journey as it unfolds. Wish us Godspeed. Thanks for the prayers. God is Great!

Love and Blessings, Sue and Gary


  1. I wish you safe travel and am so happy the the benefit was so successful. It was a wonderful evening visiting with family. I have to tell you that I had a very peaceful feeling in my heart that Gary is going to get better. I know that God is going to lead both of you in the right direction for this journey. I will think of you and pray for you often while you are gone. Thanks for keeping us up to date!

  2. You exhibit more courage and faith than anyone I have ever met - God is good and will bless you. I pray for you and Gary to have strength to complete this journey and return with new found hope and health! You are amazing! Be assured that we are with you in spirit, and await your safe return home!
